What We Offer
Positioning & Attachment issues
Blocked ducts, mastitis, thrush
Sore and damaged nipples
Raynauds syndrome, Vasospasm of the nipple
Assessment of oral function, dysfunction
Breast refusal
Tongue tie -Suck Assessment
Previous breast surgery
Delayed lactation/low supply or over supply
Weaning and
re-lactation advice
All consultations are individualized to the unique needs of the client. Antenatal appointments can be a proactive way to achieve breastfeeding success whether that be to unpack a previous traumatic experience, breastfeeding education or antenatal expressing education. Information is empowering and with ongoing support can promote a positive breastfeeding experience and postnatal period
Postnatal appointments can be necessary for a variety of reasons. In many cases one appointment and follow up phone call / txt can enhance a breastfeeding journey to a more positive and enjoyable experience.